The People’s Kitchen on Wheels Set to Roll

Four years ago, the People’s Kitchen, a creative brunch and dinner spot, opened a brick-and-mortar location in Lansing. Now the restaurant is preparing to launch its own food truck, formerly The Purple Carrot, purchased in 2022 from Tony Maiale and Nina Santucci, the owners of the Okemos restaurant Red Haven.
General Manager Douglas Mulkey says the truck’s exterior will be rebranded and the restaurant is asking on social media what restaurant patrons hope to be able to pick up from the “People’s Kitchen Street Eats” vehicle. He says, “We’re looking at reaching out to local artists to potentially repaint the truck in a mural style, perhaps. We’re trying to keep things as local as we can.”
People’s Kitchen Street Eats will be used for catering at events and private parties, but plans are in the works for the truck to eventually set up shop at three or four regular locations in the Lansing area, maintaining its commitment to their scratch kitchen model of using high-quality ingredients with a delicious new menu.
Restaurant location: 2722 E. Michigan Ave., Lansing. For more information, call 517-507-5730, email [email protected] or visit