KUDOS - Live Zero Waste
Live Zero Waste has been awarded a Sustaining Ann Arbor Together grant as part of the city’s A2ZERO Carbon Neutrality Plan for scaling up the Ann Arbor Reduce, Reuse and Return container program. Created in partnership with local businesses and the Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations, Ann Arbor Reduce, Reuse and Return is a returnable container program that aims to reduce restaurant waste by providing patrons with reusable, returnable take-out containers.
Each year, the program distributes grants of $10,000 or less to organizations that are community-based and demonstrate community-focused sustainability practices to execute small-scale sustainability improvements, with an annual budget of $100,000. Criteria for judging includes climate and energy, community, land use access and resource management.
View the list of recipients at a2gov.org/sa2t. For more information, call 734-834-9339 or visit LiveZeroWaste.org.